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KnowIT Installation Guides
KnowIT offers an installation wizard in your portal to guide you through setup. For extra help, use these standalone guides: Installing KnowIT on PC Installing KnowIT on Mac Installing KnowIT on to a rooted Android device Installing KnowIT on to a ...
KnowIT Account Setup Guide
After you've successfully installed and activated KnowIT, it's time to setup your KnowIT Account. This will allow you to receive reports and is required to get the most of KnowIT. The Account Setup is just six steps: Set Timezone Updating User ID and ...
Configure Exclusions for Third-Party Windows Antivirus
Exclusions are a set of folders, files, processes, or URLs to be trusted and excluded from future scanning by Antivirus software Before You Begin Enable 'Show Hidden Folders' (click here) Locate Instructions for how to add exclusions for your ...
Configure Exclusions for Windows Defender
Exclusions are a set of folders, files, processes, or URLs to be trusted and excluded from future scanning by Antivirus software Before You Begin Enable 'Show Hidden Folders' (click here) Add Exclusions Steps Go to Start > Settings > Update & ...
Disable your Anti-Virus Software
Antivirus software may prevent downloading or fully installing KnowIT due to the many processes being monitored. To avoid installation problems, temporarily disable your anti-virus software until after KnowIT has been fully installed, and its system ...