Call Recording

Call Recording

Call Recording allows you to record employee mobile phone calls onto the KnowIT server. These files may be downloaded from your dashboard and played back on the local computer.

Select the day or date range for the report, and a list appears of all audio recordings created during the range selected.

Click the flag icon to the left of an audio file to bookmark it. Click the “Flagged” button at the top of the page to display only bookmarked items.

Contact Names are listed if there’s a corresponding entry in the phone’s Address Book.

Other details include the call duration and the date and time of the call.

Call Recordings can be streamed online and also downloaded to play locally. These files are in the audio standard AMR format. If your media player cannot play .amr files we recommend the free VLC media player.

See "Advanced Options" below for additional call recording options.

Transcriber Options

Aside from simply listening to your call recordings, you may also transcribe them to text.

Transcribing will convert the audio file to text.

After requesting to transcribe, the transcriber icon will change to a clock. The process should only take a few minutes, but may depend on the length and other properties of the audio. You can refresh the page to check for an update if the icon does not change within several minutes.

When the transcription is finished the icon will change to…

Click the new icon to see the transcription in a pop up window.

The text will not be formatted in paragraphs or proper punctuation, but you may copy and paste it if you want to save it.

Advanced Options: Manage Settings

Call Recording and Transcription can both be auto-enabled.

You can also set a default language for the transcription text.


Watch List
is a way of defining exactly which calls should be recorded or transcribed.

If you want to record and/or transcribe all connecting calls, simply check all options and leave the list empty (Address Book is mobile phone’s Contact list).

If you only want to record and/or transcribe calls with specific phone numbers, you can enter those numbers in the Watch List and check the option “Numbers in Watch List”.

Numbers should be entered in the international format, which is plus sign “+” followed by country code, then full phone number. For example a USA number: +17135551212.

Be sure to click Save Watchlist if you make any changes to the list.

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