A Content Collection allows KnowIT to identify files in your company by specifying certain characteristics about them. The DLP module uses these content collections for creating Transfer Rules.
A content collection can be defined by any number of the following characteristics:
The first step in setting up your DLP rules is to make a list of your important or sensitive files so that you can define rules for them.
What are the files concerned with?
Purpose: Assigning a descriptive name for this collection
How would you identify these files?
By specific words or phrases in the filename?
By their location?
By the file type or extension?
By specific words or phrases in the files' contents?
Once you know which files you want to protect and how to define them, you're ready to create your collections inside your KnowIT account.
Step 1: Select criteria for matching your files
In this step you can select the ways to identify this type of file.

Location Match files transferred from a specific location.
Extension Match files of a specific extension/type.
Filename Match files with keywords in the filename.
Content Match files with keywords in the file contents.
You must select at least 1 before proceeding to the next step.
Step 2: Create Content Collection - Add Locations dialog
Depending on the criteria you chose in the previous step, you will then need to provide matching data for the file type.
This step will appear if the you selected Location as a matching criteria in Step 1.
You should add any file locations which are specific to the files you want to define in this Content Collection.
You must add at least 1 file location before proceeding to the next step.
This step will appear if the you selected Extensions as a matching criteria in the Step 1.
You should add any file extension which are specific to the files you want to define in this Content Collection.
You must add at least 1 extension before proceeding to the next step.
Keywords in Filename
This step will appear only if your selected Filename Keywords as a matching criteria in Step 1.
You should add any keywords that are specific to the files you want to define in this Content Collection.
You must add at least 1 Filename Keyword before proceeding to the next step.
Keywords in File Content
This step will appear only if you selected Content Keywords as a matching criteria in Step 1.
You should add any keywords that you expect be contained in the content of files you want to define in this Content Collection.
You must add at least 1 Content Keyword before proceeding to the next step..
Step 3: Name your Collection
The final step is to give your content collection a name. Ideally the name should be descriptive enough to help recall what files are covered.
The name must be unique. Once you've given the collection a good name, click Create and you're done!
You can now use this content Collection in your DLP File Transfer Rules.